When you have a physical disability, raising kids often requires considerable creativity. That’s especially true in the early years, while so many tasks of parenting are hands-on!
Nov 04, 2024READ MORE
If you’re considering having children after a spinal cord injury, you may have questions about how your fertility has been affected.
Oct 04, 2024READ MORE
The Centre for Independent Living in Toronto (CILT) manages the Parenting with a Disability Network (PDN).
Oct 05, 2020READ MORE
Spinal Cord Injury Ontario has always been about making life with SCI easier and increasing knowledge around disability and accessibility
Oct 05, 2020READ MORE
This resource, created by a team of rehabilitation clinicians and people living with spinal cord injuries from Vancouver Coastal Health,
Oct 05, 2020READ MORE
In March 2020, national disability organizations came together to express their concern about the lack of consideration for people with disabilities during the coronavirus pandemic.
Oct 16, 2020READ MORE
SCI Saskatchewan has various peer support groups including ones geared to people who are Aboriginal.
Oct 04, 2020READ MORE