
A bowl of healthy fruit
Eat Well, Live Well with Spinal Cord Injury is a comprehensive, practical nutritional guide written specifically for individuals with spinal cord injuries, as well as their families, friends, caregivers, health and medical professionals.
Oct 06, 2020READ MORE
paper cut out of a bowel on a cutting board with fruit and vegetables around it

SCI Alberta covers this sometimes awkward topic via video.

Oct 05, 2020READ MORE
cortree logo

Spinal Cord Injury Ontario has always been about making life with SCI easier and increasing knowledge around disability and accessibility

Oct 05, 2020READ MORE
image of a spinal cord

This resource, created by a team of rehabilitation clinicians and people living with spinal cord injuries from Vancouver Coastal Health,

Oct 05, 2020READ MORE
A huge mound of fruit including grapefruit, berries, grapes and tangerines
Nutrition & Living with a Disability - Taking a preventative health care approach with nutrition & lifestyle choices!
Oct 06, 2020READ MORE